
I will write some details about the game: [...]
This method is used to identify zones and then modify them.
It is written separately from the world creation method because it could be useful in the game in the future.
The mayor, the entrepreneur or capitalists could change the type of area or redefine it.
This is because the map will be completely editable by the player and by the players controlled by the AI.
Clearly the player must have the power or money within the game to do this.
Inserting new features into the map will be easier for programmers.
The zones must be clearly visible entities in the video game code.
I would like to create a basic mechanism for the inhabitants of the city to interact.
The "Basic Mechanism" concerns employees.
There will be further mechanisms divided into income brackets.
The "first level mechanism" will manage employers and capitalists with a relative wealth band.

Year 2024
05/08/2024 I decided to create an overloaded map_sector constructor with world object parameter.
As soon as I have more powerful hardware I will do it. map_sector(world sic_mundus_creatus_est)
I will leave the two classes separateand and not connected in any way.
I plan to include various map modes and interactions with operators.
Like this example:
world a,b,c;
world a,d;
worldchildren b;(bad idea)
worldinherited c;(bad idea)
method_lake method_river
method_mountain ?
multilayer ?
custom_map (muose or keyboard)
I'll think about it...

05/09/2024 I wrote code to find and store neighborhood vertices and build a perimeter wall.
Maybe I should make it a few pixels/yards more internal.
It is not tested.

05/10/2024 Test ok, we have to print it on the monitor now

05/11/2024 let's go! we cause irreversible brain damage to our visitors with a powerful color!.

This type of construction close to the road will be used in overcrowded areas.
so we will have to go back and modify the world generate method. The sectors cannot be generated randomly but must be related to the type of map area. (yellow-red shade)

Sorry I wrong the zone... red is overcrowded... not yellow... I will fix it tomorrow

Bricklayer tools don't work. I need a Dwarf from the "DWARF FORTRESS"... Good night. I'm going to sleep now.

15 yard pixel... bad.

45 yard/pixel

I will also have to write a function that will create everything with just one map check.
I'll write a function with bool "switches" passed as parameters.
It will skip the blocks of code that are not needed.
We will also need a function that takes the sector of world() as a parameter.
These measures will reduce calculation times.
We will do something else before building internal dividing walls.
I would like to build the skeleton of the game.

type1 map_sector 1.0 but there is still a long way to go...
I'm connected to the flow with this 8bit music this time...