05/29/2024 THE DOORS
Should I add a new dimension in the matrix?
I could insert the height value inside the INT
I'm thinking about it...
I would like to make a 3D client similar to "Daggerfall" in the future...
I love that kind of 3D.
06/01/2024 Okay, stop dreaming. Go on !
The server must know the home entity
Do I create a C structure?
Do I create a new c++ class?
Do I create a new data in the map_sector class?
I'll understand when I move a character from home to work. (or from home to place of entertainment)
The first 4 numbers will be the coordinates of the door, the remaining numbers will be the coordinates of the entire house.
C Structure
I forgot something...
(and press P after A...temporarily)
I removed the goto END but I think something is wrong in the search for the first vertex.
I will finish The Doors now...
and I will register all the houses in the structure.
The list of houses will be assigned through an array pointer: we will be able to allocate memory when the houses increase or remove memory when the houses are demolished.
As I checked my notes (the website) I decided that I should also register the "neighborhoods" entity
I could create a coefficient that interferes with lifestyle... like a soul
A positive or negative influence on the inhabitants
The coefficient will be conditioned by the conditions of the houses, the inhabitants, the position of the neighborhood in relation to industrial areas or other.
I'll write a note on the main page
Segmentation fault
find the error!
06/16/2024 I found the error. The flow couldn't find the door so it left the matrix....
I'm reading Bjarne Stroustrup's manual and I discovered various c++ containers in the standard library: map, vector, list...
Perhaps I could avoid the work I was about to do...
07/22/2024 ok...we will use vector container BUT:
I will continue to create my handcrafted container this time... for fun...
Bjarne Stroustrup does not recommend doing so...
I will use it only for the house entities, in the world creation, then I will empty it into a vector or no.
The game does not involve frequent demolitions or construction of new houses, so the code performance level will not be important.
Remember! Artisanal Container is bad! do not do it!
01/31/2025 I'm back! I updated my knowledge in C++ and Bjarne Stroustrup, through his manual, tells me that I'm writing too much code in this function.
Inside the flow: Ghost'n goblins converted to Commodore 64